10 Steps to be a Productive Writer for Beginner

By Nurul Jubaedah, S.Ag.,S.Pd.,M.Ag (SKI Teacher of MTsN 2 Garut)

  1. Straighten Intentions

Intentions are also called hopes, desires, plans, or goals. The purpose of writing is to provide information about something in the form of facts, opinions, and data to the reader. So that readers can get new ideas and knowledge from writing.

The legal basis for writing is stated in Q.S Al-Qalam: 1, which means: "Nun, By the pen and what they write". Then writing will be a means of preaching. It was narrated from a friend of Abdullah bin Amr radhiyallahu'anhu, that the Messenger of Allah, sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, said: "Convey from me even one verse!" (H.R al-Bukhari).

Writing means doing good, the promise of Allah SWT will get a reward, contained in Q.S az-Zalzalah: 7, which means: "Whoever does the slightest good, surely he will see the reward". If we do not write or take notes then our knowledge will be lost and not develop. Because one of human nature is forgetfulness. The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said: "Tie knowledge by writing it down." (Silsilah ash-Shahihah). By writing, knowledge will develop from time to time.

Human memory is limited and often forgets, so the most effective medicine is writing. This is in accordance with surrah Al-Alaq: 1-5 there is the word "Iqra" then "Teaching with the intermediary of the pen." The point is to read it by rote, if you don't memorize it then with your writing. Writing aims to be a useful human being for others. Quoted from the words of the Prophet sallallaahu'alaihi wa sallam, namely: "The best of humans are those who are most beneficial to humans!"

  1. Understand the genre of your own writing

A genre is a type of text or, in a broader sense, a composition that is used in a particular context for a specific purpose and often has a common form, style, or theme. For example, there are genres and subgenres of non-fiction (such as biographies and personal essays), literature (poetry, fiction, drama), music (classic, country, punk, etc. hip hop, rap, rock) and art (still life, portrait, landscape, abstraction).

When we understand what genre is, it influences our decisions when planning, creating, composing, reviewing, and editing our writing. Expectations to be made to readers regarding the purpose, form, style and material of our writing.

  1. Join the Literacy Activist group

I have joined the writing community in several WhatsApp Groups (WAG). I also got information on the writing competition from the writing group, if you add up there may be about 30 writing groups. Some of them are grup Geliat Literasi yang Menggairahkan, Kartini 3 Dimensi, Mutiara di balik Corona, Guru Pelita Dunia, Silaturahmi para Penulis, Aku dan Karirku, Antologi menuju ASN, Antologi PJJ, Ramadhan Indah, Mesra Tema Ramadhan, Serba serbi Mudik, Guru Inspiratif, Problem dan Solusi, Me and My Hobby, Keluarga dan Karirku, Antologi Resolusi 2022, Budaya Nulis, Guru Hebat Nusantara, Karakter Pancasila, Antologi membangun Karakter, Guru Penggerak Indonesia, Guru Madrasah Menulis, Guru Berani Menulis (KGBM), Guru Madrasah 2, dan EFT + PGRI Batch B, Penulis Kompasiana, Penulis 70 Hari 70 Artikel, Rumah Literasi PMA, Blogger penulis Buku, Narsum GTK Madrasah K3, Budaya menulis Kausaku.com, peserta lomba blog PGRI, Literasi Lintas Sekolah, Penulis Buku Solo atc.

  1. Write in the Anthology Book according to the group

Bab 1 Pendidikan

  1. Metode Bandongan Terhadap Kemampuan Membaca Tajwid (14 Maret 2022)
  2. Peranan Wali Kelas Dalam Membangun Karakter Peserta Didik (17 Maret 2022)
  3. Fakta Menarik Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh (PJJ) untuk Kamu Generasi Z (3 April 2022)
  4. Keefektifan Penggunaan Media Video Presentasi Virtual (4 April 2022)
  5. Cara menjadi Guru Literat (7 April 2022)
  6. Inilah 5 Cara Membangkitkan Gairah Menulis di Blog (10 April 2022)
  7. Membangun Kemandirian melalui Hobi (17 April 2022)
  8. Cinta Segitiga (26 April 2022)
  9. Mudik dalam 3 Dimensi (28 April 2022)
  10. Pembelajaran SKI berpusat pada Peserta Didik (2 Mei 2022)
  11. Literasi Digital Pembelajaran SKI (2 Mei 2022)

Bab 2 Motivasi

  1. Resolusi 2022 : Menggapai Mimpi Mengukir Prestasi (21 Januari 2022)
  2. Netizen Di Era Digital : Ibarat Dua Mata Pisau (21 Januari 2022
  3. Mental Bola di Masa Pandemi (17 Maret 2022)
  4. Buih menjadi Permadani (23 Maret 2022
  5. Hina Jadi Mulia (27 Maret 2022)
  6. Literasi Cinta (29 Maret 2022)
  7. Pemikiran Perempuan Perkasa (30 maret 2022)
  8. 10 Ciri Ibu Tunggal yang Berjiwa Pemberani seperti Singa (13 April 2022)
  9. Ramadhan Bagai Kepongpong 30 April 2022)
  10. Sepucuk Surat dari Regita (20 April 2022)
  11. Cinta Multidimensi di Hari yang Fitri (1 Mei 2022)

    5. Start Writing a Solo Book

From  the 22 articles that have been anthologized, as many as 20 books can also be made into 1 solo book because it has two themes and both themes have the same number of writings so that it can be used as a solo book.

  1. Join a Productive Writing Program

Follow the program to write 70 days 70 articles. Every day you write articles, within 70 days 70 articles will be collected. Why 70 not 100?, because this is adjusted to the rules made by one of the literacy activist groups. Those who make the rules, I just follow the program. All of these articles are classified according to the same theme and will form one or more solo books. If the theme of the article varies, it can be used as an anthology book.

  1. Writing on Personal and National Blogs

The blog that I have is a personal blog on behalf of Nurul Jubaedah (Blogger), Gurusiana, Kompasiana, and Retizen Republika. The titles of the articles that I have written from September 2021 to June 2, 2022 are about 58 articles, 20 anthologies, and 1 solo book. So what are you waiting for, let's fix the blog that we have, immediately activate it for those which are still unactive, and those who have started writing, let's get into the habit of writing on blogs regularly, one article a day. imagine in one year how many articles will we be able to write? Productive isn't it? It's never too late, let's start right away!

  1. Pair Posts with Youtube Content

Literasi Digital Pembelajaran SKI

https://nuruljubaedah6.blogspot.com/2022/05/33-literasi-digital-pembelajaran-ski.html (Artikel)

Pesantren di Madrasah : Bedah Kitab Kuning

https://nuruljubaedah6.blogspot.com/2022/04/httpsyoutu.html (artikel),   

https://youtu.be/VD1-cvF25r4 (youtube), https://youtu.be/67-00wg_PTU, https://youtu.be/AEpmqCMPo5s , https://youtu.be/udw-xOXtRWg

  1. Share our writing to several social media accounts

The articles that I have written on these blogs are then shared and some of the article titles are collaborated with youtube links whose titles are relevant to the article titles and then shared on WhatsApp, Facebook, telegram, Twitter, or Instagram. As additional information that I have 540 educational content on youtube as a result of my documentation while teaching Islamic Cultural History (SKI), especially productive during the pandemic.

Some of the writings that I have shared have inspired and influenced the way my students thought. Farid Jaelani from the Kementrian Agama RI group said, "Assalamu'alaikum, I'm Farid Jaelani, a member of the Kementrian Agama RI group. Nice to meet you, ma'am, after I read Masha Allah's article, I was really inspired. I am a young teacher who just graduated  in 2021. After graduating, I received a call to teach at an elementary Islamic school (MI). After I read Hina Jadi Mulia's story (article), I was very motivated.” Amelia Destriani from  class IX-B MTsN 2 Garut said, "I was inspired by your's story to become an independent person, I will try to live independently even without a father, you are a great mother".

  1. Actively Participate in Writing Competition

Participating in writing competitions does not mean that you feel you can write, in fact, by participating in writing competitions, you will become accustomed to racing against time to discipline yourself so that you will continue to learn to write. Through the competition, dynamic, competitive, and creative characters will be formed. The competition forms a healthy mental and spirit such as self-confidence, never giving up, and being ready to fail because winning is a bonus. Allah says in the Qur'an which means, "Indeed, after difficulty there is ease, verily there is ease with difficulty" QS. Al-Insyirah: 5-6.



Nurul Jubaedah lahir di Garut, 19 Mei 1978. Mengajar di MTsN 2 Garut. Pendidikan  : D1 Akuntansi (1995), S1 PAI UNIGA ( 2001), S1 Bahasa Inggris STKIP Siliwangi Cimahi (2007), S2 PAI UIN SGD Bandung (2012). Prestasi : Pembimbing KIR : Membimbing 27 judul Karya Ilmiah Remaja kategori sosial budaya, menghantarkan peserta didik juara 1,2,3, dan harapan 1 kategori Sejarah, Geografi, dan Ekonomi (tingkat Provinsi), juara harapan 1 dan 2 (tingkat Nasional)  (Juli 2019-September 2021), guru berprestasi tahap 1 di GTK Madrasah (2021), lolos tahap 3 AKMI KSKK Madrasah (Februari 2022). Karya : 1 buku solo, 20 buku  antologi (Januari-April 2022). Memiliki 540 konten pendidikan di canal youtube dan 80 artikel (Oktober 2021-Juni 2022). Blog :  http://nuruljubaedah6.blogspot.com/. Instagram (nj_78). Email :  nuruljubaedah6@gmail.com. Whatsapp : 081322292789.


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